Alberto Vendramini | Designer 

Since 2000 I have had the good fortune to undertake a career path that led me to collaborate with the world’s most famous architectural firms and consultants who built the skylines of major cities around the world.

First with Permasteelisa and later with Cimolai group, I designed and built in London, New York, Manchester, Dublin and Boston, but also in Ryiad, Madrid and Dubai.


+39 329 495 4675



Riccardo Saccon | Engineer

Enrolled in the Register of Qualified Engineers of Treviso no. A3745

After completing my academic path with honours, I started my professional career as an engineer in the construction industry, gaining experience in leading companies in the sector: first in the Permasteelisa group and then in the Cimolai group.
I have supervised the engineering design of the facades of several buildings in the USA (especially in New York), Europe and Asia.


+39 349 406 9715